This lesson is a template for creating geohackweek lessons.
It is based on the lesson template used in Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops,
09:00 | datasets for the xarray tutorial | What sample datasets will we use in this tutorial? |
09:00 | Introduction to multidimensional arrays |
When do we need to use multidimensional arrays?
What are current challenges is manipulating these datasets? |
09:10 | xarray architecture |
What functionality does the xarray library offer?
What are the benefits and limitations of this library? What is the fundamental architecture of xarray data objects? |
09:20 | label-based indexing | How does the labeling of dimensions enhance the xarray workflow? |
09:30 | plotting | Does xarray have tools for visualizing the data? |
09:35 | arithmetic and aggregation |
How do I perform simple arithmetic operations on xarray objects?
How do I calculate statistics along a dimension of an xarray object? |
09:55 | Morning Coffee | Break |
10:00 | groupby processing | What is groupby processing and in what cases is it useful for scientific analysis of multidimensional arrays? |
10:15 | out-of-core computation | How can we do computations on array datasets that are too large to fit into memory on a local machine? |
10:25 | masking | What is masking and how can it be used to analyze portions of a dataset |
10:40 | masking | What is masking and how can it be used to analyze portions of a dataset |
10:55 | Wrap-Up | What have we learned? |
11:00 | Finish |