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All tutorials at Geohackweek will be written in Python. At geohackweek we welcome participants with a wide range of coding skills, from beginner to advanced. As with any educational opportunity, arriving with some advanced preparation will increase the liklihood for positive learning outcomes. We encourage everyone, especially those of you new to the Python programming language, to work through some of these resources in advance. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

eScience Institute tutorials

One mission of the eScience Institute is to foster education in data science methods across a range of different disciplines. We have assembled a collection of past past tutorials that include content from previous hackweeks as well as Software Carpentry lessons on general topics like GitHub. One of our eScience data scientists has also written an excellent Python data science handbook.

Other Resources

  • general Python beginners guide tutorials and examples here
  • Ryan Abernathey has some good introductory Python lectures here
  • Joe Hamman’s xarray tutorials