Pre-event Material

An Introduction to the Pandas Library


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I maninpulate tabular data in Python?

  • Arrive at the HackWeek with a basic overview of the Pandas library for tabular data manipulation.

Data - an introduction to the world of Pandas

Note: This is an edited version of Cliburn Chan’s original tutorial, as part of his Stat-663 course at Duke. All changes remain licensed as the original, under the terms of the MIT license.

Additionally, sections have been merged from Chris Fonnesbeck’s Pandas tutorial from the NGCM Summer Academy, which are licensed under CC0 terms (aka ‘public domain’).



pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to work with relational or labeled data both. It is a fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python.

pandas is well suited for:

Virtually any statistical dataset, labeled or unlabeled, can be converted to a pandas data structure for cleaning, transformation, and analysis.

Key features

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandas import Series, DataFrame'seaborn-dark')

Working with Series

array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
x = Series(range(5,10))
0    5
1    6
2    7
3    8
4    9
dtype: int64

We can treat Series objects much like numpy vectors

x.sum(), x.mean(), x.std()
(35, 7.0, 1.5811388300841898)
0    25
1    36
2    49
3    64
4    81
dtype: int64
x[x >= 8]
3    8
4    9
dtype: int64

Series can also contain more information than numpy vectors

You can always use standard positional indexing

1    6
2    7
3    8
dtype: int64

Series index

But you can also assign labeled indexes.

x.index = list('abcde')
a    5
b    6
c    7
d    8
e    9
dtype: int64

Note that with labels, the end index is included

b    6
c    7
d    8
dtype: int64

Even when you have a labeled index, positional arguments still work

b    6
c    7
d    8
dtype: int64

Working with missing data

Missing data is indicated with NaN (not a number).

y = Series([10, np.nan, np.nan, 13, 14])
0    10.0
1     NaN
2     NaN
3    13.0
4    14.0
dtype: float64

Concatenating two series

z = pd.concat([x, y])
a     5.0
b     6.0
c     7.0
d     8.0
e     9.0
0    10.0
1     NaN
2     NaN
3    13.0
4    14.0
dtype: float64

Reset index to default

z = z.reset_index(drop=True)
0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
6     NaN
7     NaN
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64
0     25.0
1     36.0
2     49.0
3     64.0
4     81.0
5    100.0
6      NaN
7      NaN
8    169.0
9    196.0
dtype: float64

pandas aggregate functions ignore missing data

z.sum(), z.mean(), z.std()
(72.0, 9.0, 3.2071349029490928)

Selecting missing values

6   NaN
7   NaN
dtype: float64

Selecting non-missing values

0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64

Replacement of missing values

0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
6     0.0
7     0.0
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64
0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
6    10.0
7    10.0
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64
0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
6    13.0
7    13.0
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64
0     5.0
1     6.0
2     7.0
3     8.0
4     9.0
5    10.0
6     9.0
7     9.0
8    13.0
9    14.0
dtype: float64

Working with dates / times

We will see more date/time handling in the DataFrame section.

z.index = pd.date_range('01-Jan-2016', periods=len(z))
2016-01-01     5.0
2016-01-02     6.0
2016-01-03     7.0
2016-01-04     8.0
2016-01-05     9.0
2016-01-06    10.0
2016-01-07     NaN
2016-01-08     NaN
2016-01-09    13.0
2016-01-10    14.0
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Intelligent aggregation over datetime ranges

2016-01-03    18.0
2016-01-10    54.0
Freq: W-SUN, dtype: float64

Formatting datetime objects (see

z.index.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
array(['Jan 01, 2016', 'Jan 02, 2016', 'Jan 03, 2016', 'Jan 04, 2016',
       'Jan 05, 2016', 'Jan 06, 2016', 'Jan 07, 2016', 'Jan 08, 2016',
       'Jan 09, 2016', 'Jan 10, 2016'],


Inevitably, we want to be able to store, view and manipulate data that is multivariate, where for every index there are multiple fields or columns of data, often of varying data type.

A DataFrame is a tabular data structure, encapsulating multiple series like columns in a spreadsheet. It is directly inspired by the R DataFrame.

Titanic data

url = ''
titanic = pd.read_csv(url)
survived pclass sex age sibsp parch fare embarked class who adult_male deck embark_town alive alone
0 0 3 male 22.0 1 0 7.2500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no False
1 1 1 female 38.0 1 0 71.2833 C First woman False C Cherbourg yes False
2 1 3 female 26.0 0 0 7.9250 S Third woman False NaN Southampton yes True
3 1 1 female 35.0 1 0 53.1000 S First woman False C Southampton yes False
4 0 3 male 35.0 0 0 8.0500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no True
(891, 15)
Index(['survived', 'pclass', 'sex', 'age', 'sibsp', 'parch', 'fare',
       'embarked', 'class', 'who', 'adult_male', 'deck', 'embark_town',
       'alive', 'alone'],
# For display purposes, we will drop some columns
titanic = titanic[['survived', 'sex', 'age', 'fare',
                   'embarked', 'class', 'who', 'deck', 'embark_town',]]
survived         int64
sex             object
age            float64
fare           float64
embarked        object
class           object
who             object
deck            object
embark_town     object
dtype: object

Summarizing a data frame

survived age fare
count 891.000000 714.000000 891.000000
mean 0.383838 29.699118 32.204208
std 0.486592 14.526497 49.693429
min 0.000000 0.420000 0.000000
25% 0.000000 20.125000 7.910400
50% 0.000000 28.000000 14.454200
75% 1.000000 38.000000 31.000000
max 1.000000 80.000000 512.329200
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg
2 1 female 26.0 7.9250 S Third woman NaN Southampton
3 1 female 35.0 53.1000 S First woman C Southampton
4 0 male 35.0 8.0500 S Third man NaN Southampton
5 0 male NaN 8.4583 Q Third man NaN Queenstown
6 0 male 54.0 51.8625 S First man E Southampton
7 0 male 2.0 21.0750 S Third child NaN Southampton
8 1 female 27.0 11.1333 S Third woman NaN Southampton
9 1 female 14.0 30.0708 C Second child NaN Cherbourg
10 1 female 4.0 16.7000 S Third child G Southampton
11 1 female 58.0 26.5500 S First woman C Southampton
12 0 male 20.0 8.0500 S Third man NaN Southampton
13 0 male 39.0 31.2750 S Third man NaN Southampton
14 0 female 14.0 7.8542 S Third child NaN Southampton
15 1 female 55.0 16.0000 S Second woman NaN Southampton
16 0 male 2.0 29.1250 Q Third child NaN Queenstown
17 1 male NaN 13.0000 S Second man NaN Southampton
18 0 female 31.0 18.0000 S Third woman NaN Southampton
19 1 female NaN 7.2250 C Third woman NaN Cherbourg
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town
886 0 male 27.0 13.00 S Second man NaN Southampton
887 1 female 19.0 30.00 S First woman B Southampton
888 0 female NaN 23.45 S Third woman NaN Southampton
889 1 male 26.0 30.00 C First man C Cherbourg
890 0 male 32.0 7.75 Q Third man NaN Queenstown
Index(['survived', 'sex', 'age', 'fare', 'embarked', 'class', 'who', 'deck',
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=891, step=1)


The default indexing mode for dataframes with df[X] is to access the DataFrame’s columns:

titanic[['sex', 'age', 'class']].head()
sex age class
0 male 22.0 Third
1 female 38.0 First
2 female 26.0 Third
3 female 35.0 First
4 male 35.0 Third

Using the iloc helper for indexing

survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg
2 1 female 26.0 7.9250 S Third woman NaN Southampton
<pandas.core.indexing._iLocIndexer at 0x106cecb70>
survived                 0
sex                   male
age                     22
fare                  7.25
embarked                 S
class                Third
who                    man
deck                   NaN
embark_town    Southampton
Name: 0, dtype: object
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg
2 1 female 26.0 7.9250 S Third woman NaN Southampton
3 1 female 35.0 53.1000 S First woman C Southampton
4 0 male 35.0 8.0500 S Third man NaN Southampton
titanic.iloc[ [0, 10, 1, 5] ]
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton
10 1 female 4.0 16.7000 S Third child G Southampton
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg
5 0 male NaN 8.4583 Q Third man NaN Queenstown
10     4.0
11    58.0
12    20.0
13    39.0
14    14.0
Name: age, dtype: float64
titanic.iloc[10:15][  ['age'] ]
10 4.0
11 58.0
12 20.0
13 39.0
14 14.0

titanic[titanic. < 2]
  File "<ipython-input-47-0c88d841b460>", line 1
    titanic[titanic. < 2]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
titanic["new column"] = 0
titanic["new column"][:10]
0    0
1    0
2    0
3    0
4    0
5    0
6    0
7    0
8    0
9    0
Name: new column, dtype: int64
titanic[titanic.age < 2].index
Int64Index([78, 164, 172, 183, 305, 381, 386, 469, 644, 755, 788, 803, 827,
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(name=['Alice', 'Bob'], age=[20, 30]), 
                  columns = ['name', 'age'],  # enforce column order
                  index=pd.Series([123, 989], name='id'))
name age
123 Alice 20
989 Bob 30

.iloc vs .loc

These are two accessors with a key difference:

#df[0]  # error
#df[123] # error
name    Alice
age        20
Name: 123, dtype: object
name    Alice
age        20
Name: 123, dtype: object
df.loc[ [123] ]
name age
123 Alice 20

Sorting and ordering data

survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0
2 1 female 26.0 7.9250 S Third woman NaN Southampton 0
3 1 female 35.0 53.1000 S First woman C Southampton 0
4 0 male 35.0 8.0500 S Third man NaN Southampton 0

The sort_index method is designed to sort a DataFrame by either its index or its columns:

survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
890 0 male 32.0 7.75 Q Third man NaN Queenstown 0
889 1 male 26.0 30.00 C First man C Cherbourg 0
888 0 female NaN 23.45 S Third woman NaN Southampton 0
887 1 female 19.0 30.00 S First woman B Southampton 0
886 0 male 27.0 13.00 S Second man NaN Southampton 0

Since the Titanic index is already sorted, it’s easier to illustrate how to use it for the index with a small test DF:

df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[100, 29, 234, 1, 150], columns=['A'])
100 1
29 2
234 3
1 4
150 5
df.sort_index() # same as df.sort_index('index')
1 4
29 2
100 1
150 5
234 3

Pandas also makes it easy to sort on the values of the DF:

titanic.sort_values('age', ascending=True).head()
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
803 1 male 0.42 8.5167 C Third child NaN Cherbourg 0
755 1 male 0.67 14.5000 S Second child NaN Southampton 0
644 1 female 0.75 19.2583 C Third child NaN Cherbourg 0
469 1 female 0.75 19.2583 C Third child NaN Cherbourg 0
78 1 male 0.83 29.0000 S Second child NaN Southampton 0

And we can sort on more than one column in a single call:

titanic.sort_values(['survived', 'age'], ascending=[True, True]).head()
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
164 0 male 1.0 39.6875 S Third child NaN Southampton 0
386 0 male 1.0 46.9000 S Third child NaN Southampton 0
7 0 male 2.0 21.0750 S Third child NaN Southampton 0
16 0 male 2.0 29.1250 Q Third child NaN Queenstown 0
119 0 female 2.0 31.2750 S Third child NaN Southampton 0

Note: both the index and the columns can be named:

t = titanic.sort_values(['survived', 'age'], ascending=[True, False]) = 'id' = 'attributes'
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
851 0 male 74.0 7.7750 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
96 0 male 71.0 34.6542 C First man A Cherbourg 0
493 0 male 71.0 49.5042 C First man NaN Cherbourg 0
116 0 male 70.5 7.7500 Q Third man NaN Queenstown 0
672 0 male 70.0 10.5000 S Second man NaN Southampton 0

Grouping data

sex_class = titanic.groupby(['sex', 'class'])

What is a GroubBy object?

<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x101c3b860>
from IPython.display import display

for name, group in sex_class:
    print('name:', name, '\ngroup:\n')
name: ('female', 'First') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0
3 1 female 35.0 53.1000 S First woman C Southampton 0
name: ('female', 'Second') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
9 1 female 14.0 30.0708 C Second child NaN Cherbourg 0
15 1 female 55.0 16.0000 S Second woman NaN Southampton 0
name: ('female', 'Third') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
2 1 female 26.0 7.9250 S Third woman NaN Southampton 0
8 1 female 27.0 11.1333 S Third woman NaN Southampton 0
name: ('male', 'First') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
6 0 male 54.0 51.8625 S First man E Southampton 0
23 1 male 28.0 35.5000 S First man A Southampton 0
name: ('male', 'Second') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
17 1 male NaN 13.0 S Second man NaN Southampton 0
20 0 male 35.0 26.0 S Second man NaN Southampton 0
name: ('male', 'Third') 
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.25 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
4 0 male 35.0 8.05 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
sex_class.get_group(('female', 'Second')).head()
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
9 1 female 14.0 30.0708 C Second child NaN Cherbourg 0
15 1 female 55.0 16.0000 S Second woman NaN Southampton 0
41 0 female 27.0 21.0000 S Second woman NaN Southampton 0
43 1 female 3.0 41.5792 C Second child NaN Cherbourg 0
53 1 female 29.0 26.0000 S Second woman NaN Southampton 0

The GroubBy object has a number of aggregation methods that will then compute summary statistics over the group members, e.g.:

attributes survived age fare embarked who deck embark_town new column
sex class
female First 94 85 94 92 94 81 92 94
Second 76 74 76 76 76 10 76 76
Third 144 102 144 144 144 6 144 144
male First 122 101 122 122 122 94 122 122
Second 108 99 108 108 108 6 108 108
Third 347 253 347 347 347 6 347 347

Why Kate Winslett survived and Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t

attributes survived
sex class
female First 0.968085
Second 0.921053
Third 0.500000
male First 0.368852
Second 0.157407
Third 0.135447

Of the females who were in first class, count the number from each embarking town

sex_class.get_group(('female', 'First')).groupby('embark_town').count()
attributes survived sex age fare embarked class who deck new column
Cherbourg 43 43 38 43 43 43 43 35 43
Queenstown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Southampton 48 48 44 48 48 48 48 43 48

Since count counts non-missing data, we’re really interested in the maximum value for each row, which we can obtain directly:

sex_class.get_group(('female', 'First')).groupby('embark_town').count().max('columns')
Cherbourg      43
Queenstown      1
Southampton    48
dtype: int64


pd.crosstab(titanic.survived, titanic['class'])
class First Second Third
0 80 97 372
1 136 87 119

We can also get multiple summaries at the same time

The agg method is the most flexible, as it allows us to specify directly which functions we want to call, and where:

def my_func(x):
    return np.max(x)
mapped_funcs = {'embarked': 'count', 
                'age': ('mean', 'median', my_func), 
                'survived': sum}

sex_class.get_group(('female', 'First')).groupby('embark_town').agg(mapped_funcs)
embarked age survived
count mean median my_func sum
Cherbourg 43 36.052632 37.0 60.0 42
Queenstown 1 33.000000 33.0 33.0 1
Southampton 48 32.704545 33.0 63.0 46

Making plots with pandas

Note: you may need to run

pip install pandas-datareader

to install the specialized readers.

from pandas_datareader import data as web
import datetime
    apple = pd.read_csv('data/apple.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
    apple = web.DataReader('AAPL', 'yahoo', 
                            start = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                            end = datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 31))
    # Let's save this data to a CSV file so we don't need to re-download it on every run:
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2015-01-02 111.389999 111.440002 107.349998 109.330002 103.866470 53204600
2015-01-05 108.290001 108.650002 105.410004 106.250000 100.940392 64285500
2015-01-06 106.540001 107.430000 104.629997 106.260002 100.949890 65797100
2015-01-07 107.199997 108.199997 106.699997 107.750000 102.365440 40105900
2015-01-08 109.230003 112.150002 108.699997 111.889999 106.298531 59364500
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2015-12-24 109.000000 109.000000 107.949997 108.029999 104.380112 13570400
2015-12-28 107.589996 107.690002 106.180000 106.820000 103.210999 26704200
2015-12-29 106.959999 109.430000 106.860001 108.739998 105.066116 30931200
2015-12-30 108.580002 108.699997 107.180000 107.320000 103.694107 25213800
2015-12-31 107.010002 107.029999 104.820000 105.260002 101.703697 40635300

Let’s save this data to a CSV file so we don’t need to re-download it on every run:

f, ax = plt.subplots()
apple.plot.line(y='Close', marker='o', markersize=3, linewidth=0.5, ax=ax);


f.suptitle("Apple stock in 2015")


# Zoom in on large drop in August
aug = apple['2015-08-01':'2015-08-30']
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2015-08-03 121.500000 122.570000 117.519997 118.440002 113.437157 69976000
2015-08-04 117.419998 117.699997 113.250000 114.639999 109.797668 124138600
2015-08-05 112.949997 117.440002 112.099998 115.400002 110.525574 99312600
2015-08-06 115.970001 116.500000 114.120003 115.129997 110.766090 52903000
2015-08-07 114.580002 116.250000 114.500000 115.519997 111.141319 38670400
aug.plot.line(y=['High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Close'], marker='o', markersize=10, linewidth=1);
/Users/fperez/usr/conda/envs/s159/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/plotting/ UserWarning: Pandas doesn't allow columns to be created via a new attribute name - see = label


Data conversions

One of the nicest features of pandas is the ease of converting tabular data across different storage formats. We will illustrate by converting the titanic dataframe into multiple formats.


titanic.to_csv('titanic.csv', index=False)
t1 = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv')
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0


You may need to first install openpyxl:

pip install openpyxl
t2 = pd.read_excel('titanic.xlsx')
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man NaN Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0

Relational Database

import sqlite3

con = sqlite3.connect('titanic.db')
t2.to_sql('titanic', con, index=False, if_exists='replace')
/Users/fperez/usr/conda/envs/s159/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ UserWarning: The spaces in these column names will not be changed. In pandas versions < 0.14, spaces were converted to underscores.
  chunksize=chunksize, dtype=dtype)
t3 = pd.read_sql('select * from titanic', con)
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man None Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0


t4 = pd.read_json('titanic.json')
age class deck embark_town embarked fare new column sex survived who
0 22.0 Third None Southampton S 7.2500 0 male 0 man
1 38.0 First C Cherbourg C 71.2833 0 female 1 woman
t4 = t4[t3.columns]
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man None Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0


The HDF5 format was designed in the Earth Sciences community but it can be an excellent general purpose tool. It’s efficient and type-safe, so you can store complex dataframes in it and recover them back without information loss, using the to_hdf method:

t4.to_hdf('titanic.h5', 'titanic')
/Users/fperez/usr/conda/envs/s159/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->mixed,key->block1_values] [items->['sex', 'embarked', 'class', 'who', 'deck', 'embark_town']]

  return pytables.to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, self, **kwargs)
t5 = pd.read_hdf('titanic.h5', 'titanic')
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man None Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0


You may need to install the Feather support first:

conda install -c conda-forge feather-format
t6 = t5.reset_index(drop=True)
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man None Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0
2 1 female 4.0 16.7000 S Third child G Southampton 0
3 0 female 28.0 7.8958 S Third woman None Southampton 0
4 0 male NaN 7.8958 S Third man None Southampton 0
t7 = pd.read_feather('titanic.feather')
survived sex age fare embarked class who deck embark_town new column
0 0 male 22.0 7.2500 S Third man None Southampton 0
1 1 female 38.0 71.2833 C First woman C Cherbourg 0
2 1 female 4.0 16.7000 S Third child G Southampton 0
3 0 female 28.0 7.8958 S Third woman None Southampton 0
4 0 male NaN 7.8958 S Third man None Southampton 0

Key Points